It is two minutes before Riche Greene is set to go on stage. It is two minutes before Greene is about to go into his bag of jokes with the hopes of giving someone in the audience a chance to escape for a few minutes, to forget about their problems.Continue Reading

Discipline really means our ability to get ourselves to do things when we don’t want to.” – Arden Mahlberg “Success doesn’t just happen. You have to be intentional about it, and that takes discipline.” – John C. Maxwell “A disciplined mind leads to happiness, and an undisciplined mind leads toContinue Reading

KELLY PALMER, Ph.D. Kelly Palmer is a native of Akron, Ohio. She earned a BS in Microbiology and a BS in Natural Science from the University of Akron, a Master of Science in Health Sciences from Indiana University, and a Ph.D. in Health Behavior Health Promotion from the University of Arizona.Continue Reading

As people look for ways to stay young longer and live a better life, sea moss dominates the current conversation and trends as the go-to remedy for a large number of health benefit factors. Sea moss is a type of seaweed that has recently become popular as a natural remedyContinue Reading

CORPORATE AMERICA HATES IT, EDUCATION LOVES IT, YOU DECIDE! If there is one thing humans like to do, it’s to categorize and label everything, including people. We find it helps us organize our reality and create a sense of stability, something we can rely on. Therefore, we have a nameContinue Reading

A lot of people say that life is a game — and if you can win at life, you are doing very well. Winning at life for Blaine Griffin started at sixteen when he used basketball to escape the mean streets of 1970s Youngstown. At that time, Youngstown ruled asContinue Reading

There are a few times in our lives when something happens that impacts who we are as a person. A moment in time where our course or direction is forever changed by something greater than us. Sometimes we see it and can respond to it. Other times, we might missContinue Reading

At some time, all men experience a slight reduction in performance after fifty. As men age, they produce less testosterone, experience reduced physical activity, and are impacted by the side effects of the medications they take to maintain their health. But in 2022, fifty is the new thirty and menContinue Reading

If you are a ’70s baby then you came up in the best times of Cleveland. The flats were the destination for fun and the city was starting to take shape as a great place to visit. For anyone looking for the next party, all they had to do wasContinue Reading

CLIFTON WILLIAMS III Clifton Ronald St. Clair Williams III is director of public affairs for Taft’s Public Affairs Strategies Group, the multi-disciplinary government relations team that represents corporations, companies, nonprofit organizations, and associations with matters before federal, state, and local legislative and executive branches of government. Prior to joining Taft,Continue Reading