CLEVELAND, Feb. 4, 2022 – The National Basketball Association (NBA) today unveiled the NBA All-Star 2022 court as part of the first-ever citywide, shoppable NBA All-Star NFT art gallery in Cleveland. The official NBA All-Star 2022 court, which will see the league’s best players compete in the 71st NBA All-StarContinue Reading

E.B. Smith, Director of Artistic Inclusion at the Cleveland Play House, is in a unique position wearing multiple hats, that of actor, director, and administrator. Few artists consider taking on all three positions at the same time, but in these challenging times requiring the dismantling of old systems, perceptions, andContinue Reading

AMANDA WILLIAMS Amanda Williams has developed a process to help women grow and maintain their hair. With 27 years of experience, the versatile stylist has mastered the art of cosmetology with a variety of hair extensions, haircuts, and hair coloring techniques that have won her attention and praise from her industry.Continue Reading

There was a time when men dressed in a full suit and top hat. They wore those fashions because that’s what men did back in the ‘40s and ‘50s. But today is a different time. The world is a different place, and the word “fashion” means something different. Gone areContinue Reading

At some point, all marriages suffer from a decline or stoppage of sex. For those couples who find a way back to physical touch, they continue to have marital bliss and happiness. But for those who fall deeper into a world of avoidance, dozens of physical and mental complications canContinue Reading

I’m saying “Uncle,” not giving in to defeat here, nor wrestling you down to get something from you. I’m telling you to say “Uncle,” as in Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey, which has become the fastest-growing and best-selling premium whiskey brand on the market to date. It currently has sold nearlyContinue Reading

Cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead famously said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” And such is the impetus of every artist: change. From the standpoint of art, the work of every artist is toContinue Reading