Once again, America is at a major crossroads, one that could adversely affect the lives of millions of African Americans. With all the upset over innocent Black people being murdered by law enforcement officers, racial profiling, COVID-19 extinguishing the lives of Blacks at a rate three times that of WhiteContinue Reading

A blessing in disguise?! Not if you’ve lost a loved one and are struggling financially because you lost your job. 21.3% of New Jersey coronavirus deaths involve African American patients, although they make up just 14% of the state’s population. In Michigan, 40% of the deaths but 14% of theContinue Reading

Black people have been laughing to keep from crying or going crazy since shortly after being brought to North American shores. When you have been ripped from everything you know — history, language, family, culture — developing a sense of humor, whether bitter, wry, sardonic, or self-deprecating is likely aContinue Reading

When the Coronavirus hit America, no one could have predicted the financial outcome of this crisis. For businesses deemed non-essential, it meant certain death if they did not find a new way to stay open and connect with their clients. And that is what Jeff Bolling, from Jeff B JewelersContinue Reading

Society is currently struggling to adjust to this new way of life. People are figuring out how to work from home (IF they are working). They are dealing with financial issues and overcoming this new way of life with limited access to everything. But there is one huge elephant inContinue Reading