Finding motivation to exercise can often feel like a monumental task. In a world brimming with responsibilities and stress, carving out the time and energy to work out regularly is a challenge many face. Whether it’s the struggle to pull yourself out of bed in the morning or the temptationContinue Reading

When Anthony Brown walked up to the mic to address the guests who attended the new University Hospital’s Cutler Center for Men, he did what he always does; he made sure to promote those who needed exposure the most.To be honest, it is hard to pinpoint where Brown is goingContinue Reading

In a world where fitness goals are constantly pursued, one of the most common complaints men face is the struggle to lose stubborn belly fat. The frustrating truth is that no one likes looking down at their stomach to see an unappealing layer of fat that just won’t budge. ManyContinue Reading

In today’s world, avoiding food temptations can feel like an impossible task. With junk food displayed prominently in stores, tantalizing TV commercials showing greasy delights, and full-page magazine ads featuring sugary snacks, it’s no wonder so many of us find ourselves reaching for unhealthy options time and time again. AddContinue Reading

re you ready to dive headfirst into the mysterious world of dating, only to realize you have the grace of a newborn giraffe on roller skates? Fear not, my friend, for you’re not alone! Embarking on the journey of dating can be both exhilarating and terrifying, but with a littleContinue Reading

If a book were written about Phillip Weeden, you’d be moved with emotion by the journey he has taken to get to where he is today. So, let’s begin with chapter 13 where Weeden is the CEO and founder of Xtreme Hip Hot and Xtreme Compound. Xtreme Compound has becomeContinue Reading

I saw an infomercial the other day for a weight loss solution targeting the frustrated people who “fail to see results from diet and exercise.” I had to scratch my head on that one. When do diet and exercise fail? This, of course, is a trick question. Diet and exerciseContinue Reading

For Black fathers, navigating the dynamics of co-parenting can present unique challenges due to societal stereotypes and historical contexts. Nevertheless, with dedication and a strategic approach, Black men can successfully co-parent with their child’s mother without encountering unnecessary drama. Co-parenting, the collaborative effort between separated parents, plays a pivotal roleContinue Reading

A wise man once said, “When you understand the forces acting against you, you will never have a bad day in your life.” The quote speaks to the value of the wisdom acquired through conscious living. Living a high quality of life requires not only knowing what challenges may ariseContinue Reading

Everyone has heard the story of a loved one who retired after working the same job for forty years, only to die a short five years later. They never got a chance to enjoy the life they worked so hard to create. That story is all too common. But whatContinue Reading