If there ever was a time to discover new methods for creating a better outcome for yourself, the time is now. With all that is going on in the world, people are searching for new ways to create drastic changes in their life. Alternative medicines are providing exciting and creativeContinue Reading

One of the great joys of life for most of us is our ability to see the world in technicolor — the human eye is able to distinguish approximately 3 million colors. With that capability, we use color to make a statement, create a mood, establish hierarchy, differentiate teams, denoteContinue Reading

Along with the thirst to watch reality TV came the thirst to perfect one’s body. As more and more everyday people became famous for doing nothing, their desire to look better came right along with it. Social media wasn’t far behind. So, when Dr. Andrew Jimerson decided to practice plasticContinue Reading

In our chaotic and frenetic world, finding some peace, quiet, and balance is … well … quite a balancing act. Day in and day out, we’re inundated with stress, responsibilities, demands, unforeseen events, things that cause anxiety — and we’re somehow supposed to “go with the flow” as though allContinue Reading

Today, we work hard to make all things positive. We pass out trophies for participation, we celebrate 5th place, we promote the promise that everyone is special. This mentality also has allowed women who are overweight the opportunity to celebrate what might turn out to be an unhealthy lifestyle. TheContinue Reading

CODE M Magazine would like to share in the celebration of International Women’s Day. This is a great time to celebrate women in general. During the pandemic women have become the leaders in providing care, protection, and respite for the one they love. Celebrate with us as we say thankContinue Reading