From the beginning of time, man has understood the nature of extinction on Earth. From the dinosaurs of 65 million years ago to the African white rhino today, an untold number of species have faced and then become extinct. Using the qualifications to determine when a species is under theContinue Reading

For many Black people over the age of 40, love seems to be an elusive thing. Those recovering from a divorce or long-term relationship do not want to make the same mistake twice, so the process to choose a new romantic partner can be critical. CODE M took some timeContinue Reading

Just after the COVID-19 began making itself known, Stella had been mulling over an idea about coffee mugs and scripture. “What got me started was listening to the bishop of my church,” Stella explained. “He was taking scripture and breaking it down for his sermon titles. I really liked thisContinue Reading

TANYA VAUGHN Tanya Vaughn began her career with American Greetings as an INROADS intern. It developed into a 20-year career, allowing her to mature as a woman and gain worldly experiences in Marketing. Today Vaughn serves as the Director of Sales at Libbey, Inc. Her inspiration comes from her child,Continue Reading

AMANDA WILLIAMS Amanda Williams has developed a process to help women grow and maintain their hair. With 27 years of experience, the versatile stylist has mastered the art of cosmetology with a variety of hair extensions, haircuts, and hair coloring techniques that have won her attention and praise from her industry.Continue Reading

At some point, all marriages suffer from a decline or stoppage of sex. For those couples who find a way back to physical touch, they continue to have marital bliss and happiness. But for those who fall deeper into a world of avoidance, dozens of physical and mental complications canContinue Reading