It’s happened to everyone at some point or another. You can’t seem to get going. For some strange reason, you have lost the motivation to do anything meaningful. And it gets worse by the day. It seems controllable at first, but then you realize that you’ve spent twenty days creatingContinue Reading

There is no doubt that the Black woman is the most judged and criticized woman on the planet. Society has labeled her mean, standoffish, masculine, and intolerant. Yet she is expected to outwork all the others, raise children by herself, and compete at a level that is unmatched. And withoutContinue Reading

LAURIE A. MURPHY Laurie A. Murphy, MBA, MPH, MS is the dedicated Executive Director of the Black Professionals Association Charitable Foundation (BPACF), a non-profit in Cleveland, Ohio, a position she has held since 2021. The mission of BPACF is to create opportunities for African-American professionals by providing scholarships, leadership, andContinue Reading

Ah, love! It knows no bounds, transcends societal norms, and occasionally throws us some hilarious curveballs. One of those curveballs is the ever-entertaining phenomenon of dating with an age difference. Whether it’s a gap of a few years or a few decades, there’s no denying that these relationships can leadContinue Reading

When William Butler Yeats coined the phrase, “Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking,” he didn’t know that quote would become the catchphrase to define taking advantage of an opportunity. But that is exactly what people are doing in 2023. ItContinue Reading

Finding love in 2023 can be hard. If you ask a Black single, finding love is almost impossible. If you pay attention to social media, Black relationships are at the center of discussion far too often. The discussions of Black focus on what keeps Black singles from connecting and findingContinue Reading

The old saying that nice guys finish last has never been truer in today’s dating climate. Women have never been clearer about what they prefer with the choices they make in who they date. And the clear winner is not the good guy. For the good guys, dating in 2023Continue Reading

Figuring out who you truly are isn’t easy, especially when different things have influenced you. But the journey of self-discovery helps you sort through all those things and find your real identity. This journey has a few main parts, and each part helps you understand yourself better and see theContinue Reading

Life as a single has become harder in the last twelve months. Before the pandemic, meeting women was easy. Walking up and saying hello was a proven method of meeting someone. Today, people are more reserved in their attempts to assertively walk up and say anything to anyone. So, peopleContinue Reading