Since the mid-1800s, movements such as woman’s suffrage, women’s rights, and feminism have gone through multiple waves of transformation and effectiveness. From infighting within their ranks to define their platform and create a consensus to formidable political actions, women are still challenged with being seen, understood, accepted, respected, and honoredContinue Reading

One of the things borne out of the Civil Rights Movement was the desire to get more Blacks educated so the playing field could be leveled. Education was seen as a way out. Grants and financing were created to give Blacks the opportunity to pursue higher education. Black men respondedContinue Reading

– ARIANE KIRPATRICK – Ariane Kirkpatrick is president and CEO of The AKA Team, a full-service commercial construction and facilities company. Based in Cleveland, the 10-year-old, multi-million dollar firm partners with its clients to provide collaborative management and construction services through three divisions. No matter the scale of a project,Continue Reading

Quotes by women who have made a difference in society! “The woman who doesn’t require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet.” – Mohadesa Najumi “I am a woman and a warrior. If you think I can’t be both, you’ve been lied to.” – Jennifer ZeynabContinue Reading

ALICIA ROBINSON Dream-Believe-Achieve isn’t just Limitless Ambition’s motto, it’s the mindset that fuels Executive Director, Alicia Robinson. Alicia began with a vision of empowering a generation of young women that would one day change the world. The first-generation college graduate walked away from a career in fashion to pursue herContinue Reading

The feminist movement of the 1960s and ‘70s birthed the beginning of women fighting for equal pay, equal treatment, and equal opportunity. But by getting more control of their business destiny, they also made decisions about what happened to their body, including if they would have kids. The trend ofContinue Reading

When Abraham Maslow developed his “hierarchy of needs,” he listed safety as a basic human necessity that follows only behind physiological needs for survival such as water, food, and shelter. Maslow understood that safety impacts all human behaviors and that people make decisions in accordance with how secure they feel.Continue Reading

The 40-pound backpack of racism that Black men wear on their backs has always been a part of living in America. Black men understand that daily they might experience no less than 7 or 10 instances of racist behavior towards them. Whether it’s loose change dropped into their hands, orContinue Reading

The incomparable Aretha Franklin, the “Queen of Soul,” sent this song skyrocketing to #1 on the Billboard charts in 1967 and it became a universal call to action for the civil rights and feminist movements. Its intrinsic message that everyone deserves to be heard and respected struck a deep chordContinue Reading

It’s no secret that dating today absolutely sucks. Finding love has become a part-time job for those who want to date with purpose. First are the dating apps that are starting to prove to be less and less effective. Then there are the reduced opportunities to meet people if you’reContinue Reading