There are a few times in our lives when something happens that impacts who we are as a person. A moment in time where our course or direction is forever changed by something greater than us. Sometimes we see it and can respond to it. Other times, we might missContinue Reading

At some time, all men experience a slight reduction in performance after fifty. As men age, they produce less testosterone, experience reduced physical activity, and are impacted by the side effects of the medications they take to maintain their health. But in 2022, fifty is the new thirty and menContinue Reading

If you are a ’70s baby then you came up in the best times of Cleveland. The flats were the destination for fun and the city was starting to take shape as a great place to visit. For anyone looking for the next party, all they had to do wasContinue Reading

Just like everything else, the pandemic has changed the way we sleep. With most workers staying remote, it means that you now can work day and night depending on your desires. It also means you can lose serious rest if you don’t take some time away from work and findContinue Reading

My mother always understood the power of the spoken word. She used to tell my brother and me to “always leave people in a better place than where you found them.” That meant that if I could not find one positive thing to say about someone, I was to tryContinue Reading

“There’s a thin line between to laugh with and to laugh at.”   – Richard Pryor “Suffering is a good teacher. It keeps you in its grip until you’ve learned your lesson.” – Bernie Mac. “I carry a knife now because I read in a white magazine that all Black peopleContinue Reading

In Part 2 of this 2-part series, the focus is on those who are left behind, the people who must live with a person’s suicide for the rest of their lives. As was stated in Part 1, we’re left pondering why a family member, friend, colleague, or well-known person choseContinue Reading

For anyone single, you know how hard it is to find the right person to date or marry. If you’re the kind of person who limits who you date based on race, income, height, appearance, or phone (yes, iPhone users tend to be biased), then your chances of finding loveContinue Reading

It’s confusing to understand what is happening. Are we witnessing more gun violence because it is being filmed, or are we experiencing more gun violence because people have become more violent? Whatever the answer, the solutions to dealing with the increased threat to Black people must be addressed. The ideaContinue Reading