There’s no doubt that the Trump Administration has kept its promise to secure the border of the United States. What no one expected was the incredible increase in the pursuit of non-documented people living and working deep within the country. Since Trump took office, 37,600 people have been removed, farContinue Reading

When the 2024 election winner was announced, people all over the country began to express anxiety about a Trump victory. That feeling subsided for a month or two until Trump took office. As soon as he moved back into the White House, the stress level of the country increased fromContinue Reading

Voting is based on information. Where that information comes from is extremely important and there are many sources. Every campaign is actively engaged in targeted marketing, begging for donations in order to fund their campaigns and beat out their competitors. The dissemination of facts and information in their marketing —Continue Reading

It has happened again — but this time it feels different. This time, the crime of murdering another Black man hit all US homes. US Special Forces Airman, Roger Fortson, was killed by an Okaloosa County sheriff’s officer for simply answering his door. The sheriff, responding to the wrong apartmentContinue Reading

Here are the rules if you want to interview a superhero: You must be flexible with your time; you must have an idea of what you want to ask; the questions cannot be boring. Superheroes are always thinking about the next soul to save and don’t have time for mediocrity.Continue Reading

If people on the street were asked what their definition of freedom is, no two answers would match. There would be some common themes in their answers, but for the most part, everyone would have their idea of just what constitutes freedom. As our country struggles with this idea, determiningContinue Reading

e live in a world that many believe is headed in the wrong direction of divisiveness, racism, antisemitism, hatred, violence, suppression, and overall hopelessness. If there ever was a time when millions of people in America and throughout the world should revisit and re-embrace the exemplary teachings and transformative socialContinue Reading

Deception, avoidance, manipulation, denial, dismissiveness, obfuscation, and feigned ignorance — these are all tactics of what is described as “distraction politics.” It’s nothing new. People have been using these “techniques” forever in all industries and arenas in order to further their agendas, avoid responsibility, and not be held accountable. However,Continue Reading

In life, sometimes, people ask God what they should do and sometimes God tells people what they should do. Dr. Benjamin Chavis, Jr. seems like one of those people whom God called him to serve his people. From early childhood, Chavis has been the tip of the spear for BlackContinue Reading