While Americans debate over red and blue politics, if gay people should have any rights, and why migrant workers don’t deserve citizenship, the world is reshaping its relationship with the US dollar. Once considered the world’s currency, the dollar is under attack and if we don’t pay attention, Americans couldContinue Reading

With the federal government abandoning the responsibility to govern us all, the Black vote has never been more important. With over 13 percent of the total US population, Blacks need to change the way we vote to ensure that our collective agenda is discussed, passed, and placed into law. ToContinue Reading

The Fifteenth Amendment was passed by Congress and ratified during the Reconstruction Era, when the progressive wing of the Republican Party dominated Congress during the decade following the end of the U.S. Civil War. The Reconstruction era was noteworthy in that African American men were not only granted voting rightsContinue Reading

A lot of people say that life is a game — and if you can win at life, you are doing very well. Winning at life for Blaine Griffin started at sixteen when he used basketball to escape the mean streets of 1970s Youngstown. At that time, Youngstown ruled asContinue Reading

As I woke up and walked one my dogs in the morning, there was a man who appeared to be getting his exercise by going on a jog.  What was odd about this man was the fact that he was holding a United States flag… okay, all well and good. Continue Reading

I am reeling after one of the coldest nights in Houston, Texas.  We were wrapped in old ski clothes, that for some reason, I never tossed, along with mounds of blankets, praying the repair man who is “a friend of a friend” would be able to get the heat backContinue Reading