The idea of being in a sexless marriage always comes across as surprising. How does this even happen? To find the perfect person to spend the rest of your life with and then to stop sharing intimate moments somehow seems preposterous. But it’s happening more than anyone wants to admit.Continue Reading

If you are a lover of the spoken word, then you most certainly will fall in love with Orlando Watson. The Cleveland, Ohio native has established himself as a preeminent lyricist whose soulful, baritone voice is known to weave through words with uncanny rhythmic delivery. Northeast Ohio is quickly becomingContinue Reading

If you are a single woman and at least 40 years old, you already know how hard it is to find and meet the right man to date. If you were single before the pandemic, online dating apps are the only way to continue to search for love. Using aContinue Reading

Every year, The President of The United States has a State of The Union address. He speaks about where the county is and where the country needs to go. This speech gives the country an opportunity to understand what needs to be done and how we all can accomplish thoseContinue Reading

It’s no secret that men like sex. What is even less of a secret is that women like sex, too. However, there is a huge difference between how men and women approach the art of wanting and enjoying sex. For men, the process of wanting sex is simple: we wantContinue Reading