For anyone looking to get or stay in shape finding the right foods can be a problem when you want to develop consistency in your eating habits. For those looking to follow the KETO diet, finding the right meals can sometimes be a struggle.

KETO stands for ketosis, a state in which the body burns fat when it doesn’t have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy. The keto diet consists of approximately: 60 to 75 percent fat.

For Veronica Blue, following a KETO came from years of feeling tired and stressed.

“I suffered from chronic fatigue for ten years. I remember exactly when it started in 2006. Thinking back on my life as a single, working mother back then, things were incredibly stressful and my diet was horrible. I started keto before it was popular and honestly – without even knowing that ‘KETO’ was what I was doing. “ Blue said.

What Blue discovered was a safe, excellent way to cut calories and eat better for the sake of a better life. Losing weight is a great bonus to being on a KETO-friendly diet.

“On New Year’s Day 2015, I started a 30-day cleanse and felt so good that I decided to drop carbs and start exercising to lose some weight. I also dropped meat, but I continued eating fish and seafood a few times a week. I tested my blood for ketones, and I was deep in ketosis – which I share because keto looks different for everyone. “ Blue said.

While KETO was good for Blue, not everyone is meant to be on a KETO diet. For diabetics, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before changing any meal plan or begin exercising.

For those healthy enough to enjoy a KETO diet, here are some of the benefits that you may experience while using the diet.

Supports weight loss.

· Improves acne.

· May reduce risk of certain cancers.

· May improve heart health.

· May protect brain function.

· Potentially reduces seizures.

The results for Blue were so good she knew that she was on to something good.

“The added bonus for me was losing 60 pounds almost effortlessly and getting into the best shape of my life. I looked better and had more energy than I did in my 20s and I’ve never looked back. I still eat a low-carb diet today.” Blue commented.

Blue turned her passion into a business and in 2019 started Phenomenal Foods. With no experience working in the food business, Blue had a lot of ground to cover in a short period of time.

“I started Phenomenal Foods in 2019 as a total newcomer to the food industry, so there are definitely things I wish I had known from the very beginning. I knew I had a product the market needed, so I took courses to learn about things like food manufacturing, food safety, FDA label requirements, and wholesaling. “ Blue said.

Increasing her understanding of the food business took some time, but Blue was able to learn enough to feel confident to start her business. However, being a black woman business owner is a different conversation.

Black women, by far, have the largest struggle when it comes to being taken seriously in business. They have to work three times as hard as anyone else to be taken seriously. For Blue, having to learn a new industry, and being Black made her determination that much more.

“I don’t prescribe to the belief that it’s hard for me to do anything simply because I’m a black woman, so I can’t honestly say that being a brown-skinned girl made it any more difficult for me to start a business than anyone else.” Blue continued. 

“What I will say is that historically, black families have not had access to the types of wealth, resources, and networks that have equipped others to establish successful businesses.”

She is correct. According to the Survey of Consumer Finances, in 2019 the median net worth of Black households was $24,000 as opposed to $189,000 for white households. This shortfall in financial wealth creates a cascade of inequalities in all kinds of areas that impact long-term growth for Blacks.

Education, homeownership, and saving for emergencies become impossible when you do not make enough money. And while it will take multiple solutions to solve these enormous problems, entrepreneurship can provide the best opportunity to build sustainable, long-term wealth.

For Blue, her ability to take advantage of her surroundings helped her start her business.

“I’m a Taurus, so I’m naturally determined – but I’m also grateful for the many resources available today to assist black and brown entrepreneurs. I’m excited to see how the current explosion of black business ownership will reshape the future.” Blue said.

The Shaker Heights graduate knew that she was on to something special when she started Phenomenal Foods. The response to her product has been even more special.

“Sales are great! The reception on Amazon has been amazing. We sold out within 30 days and reached five figures in monthly sales by the end of our first full quarter. Our customers love the product and it’s been awesome to watch the reviews and videos pour in.” Blue said.

So enjoy a better breakfast and know that our very own home-grown Veronica Blue is the one that brought it to you. ●

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