Just after the COVID-19 began making itself known, Stella had been mulling over an idea about coffee mugs and scripture. “What got me started was listening to the bishop of my church,” Stella explained. “He was taking scripture and breaking it down for his sermon titles. I really liked this approach, and I began to put more attention on this idea.” Then, one night, Stella was awakened about three in the morning by a divinely inspired wake-up call. She had received the name of a new company: Heavenly Mugs.

The product? Bible scripture beautifully designed on coffee mugs with the purpose of uplifting hearts and minds around the world. As her slogan says, “Keeping you spiritually lifted with every sip.”

Being the self-directed and highly motivated person she is, Stella got right on the project even though she had several other irons in the fire. She showed the mugs to her pastor, Bishop Eugene Washington Ward, Jr., who loved the concept. Not long after that, the Heavenly Mugs were being sold at their church, Greater Love Missionary Baptist Church, for Women’s Day. They were a hit!

One reason the mugs are taking off is that they’re truly divinely inspired. “These mugs are different because they’re not just the usual quotes you see on mugs, t-shirts, and everything else. God would lay the scripture on my heart, letting me know what scripture to use. In this way, I’m stepping out of the way and letting God inform me. This is a true inspiration that is far more connected with what people need in their lives. Perhaps this will put a smile on your face, ease your heart, or motivate you in some way. That’s something you can take out into the world, and you never know how that will uplift others.”

Because technology has changed how we communicate and connect with others, Stella has observed that many people have lost focus. She finds that we’re so much more easily distracted, less willing to engage person-to-person and that our communication and behaviors are spiraling downward. She finds this especially true with kids and younger people.

“Everything is about playing video games, hanging out on social media, down-and-dirty texting without emotional connection or compassion. With the pandemic having changed our approach to work, everything’s about ‘I want — but don’t want to work for it.’ What I see is people aren’t taking the time to give God the praise, glory, and honor He deserves. To a large degree, we’ve lost our get-up-and-go. And there’s no unity in the way we think about our connection with each other and helping one another. We’re all over the place — we need to be focused.”

Stella’s observations are right on target and Heavenly Mugs is such a simple, yet highly effective way in which we can not only reconnect with our own hearts and open the door to greater divine love but share that bounty with others — one mug at a time.

But, it doesn’t stop there. Stella has several other products that are very beneficial and handy from umbrellas to digital thermoses that let you know the temperature of the liquid inside it whether it’s hot or cold.

Stella is currently in the process of designing the Heavenly Mugs website so that the entire world has access to daily, heart-warming inspiration. It’s such an easy way to help make the world a better place.

In addition to her entrepreneurial launch with Heavenly Mugs, Stella is also an author. Her PR notice states: “In 2021, she has several literary and cinematic projects lined up and she also has her sights set on creating a platform for at-risk youth to pursue a career in the performing arts. ‘God created me for a unique purpose and my goal is to use my talents and gifts to be a blessing to others.’” Stella is currently putting the finishing edits on a sci-fi adventure, Samantha Machine.

Divinely led and inspired, Stella, though very activated and busy with projects, has one last message she’d like to convey. “We’re too much on the go, everything’s open 24 hours a day, every day. We’re not giving ourselves time to rest and recuperate. We’re constantly up and about and moving. It’s time we got re-focused, focus on this day and time, the people in your life and around you. You never know what another person is going through, what their challenges are. So, give them a heavenly gift, something that will give them a moment of respite and uplift. Give them a Heavenly Mug.” ●