Traditionally, this period of celebrating love can be a high-stress month for most men for many reasons. Collectively, men are mourning the end of football season, winter has hit its peak, and amidst all of this, all the stores have turned red and pink. Some men get caught in this stupor as the days dwindle toward February 14th. Some men quietly weather a storm of emotions concerning how they feel about their significant other, as well as the pressure of preparing to package and present their feelings on Valentine’s Day.
Men commonly procrastinate planning for this mid-month holiday due to low creativity or funds and they stand to fold under the pressure to wow their significant other. Truthfully, men can do much more this month, and it will cost nothing more than discipline, time, and effort.
It’s time for growth because February is bigger than V-Day. It’s also Black History Month, and men will create history this year by making a concerted shift in their mindset. By putting themselves first on a daily basis, men will be in the best position to take better care of their significant other during this romantic season.
Let this month not be solely about teddy bears, roses, chocolates, or diamonds — or how to ensure your love has the biggest flex on the gram post of her friends. Also, focus on making it through this month in the best mental space and in better physical shape.
It’s time to take back a tiny percentage of February and invest it in physical health and wellness. It’s about more than just developing a better body — the mission is to transition to a better mind and deepen the characteristics that are the foundation of healthy relationships, such as accountability, trust, and respect.
A man’s loved one will notice his dedication to personal growth and appreciate this gift before the 14th. This acknowledgment could ease some pressure and allow for more clarity and creativity when preparing for that date and selecting that special gift.
The self-invested man’s motivations to improve his fitness must originate internally. In other words, he must first want to do this for himself. And by promising to care for himself, a man fosters integrity and honesty through his fitness journey and process.
The most important relationship a man has is his relationship with himself. It’s the root of the tree from which all other relationships sprout. If he takes better care of himself emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, he is poised to take better care of those he loves and who love him. He is now poised to give the best version of himself to his special someone.
By following a simple, no equipment, no excuses fitness plan, a man can refresh his previous contracts with himself including diet, and recreation, expand his horizons, deepen his relationships, follow through on his resolutions, and re-invigorating his work. Success in this new endeavor has the power to overcome any previous shortcomings and obstacles.
A man’s fitness commitment can be powerful and transformative because it’s current, fresh, and new. It also helps him break out of old patterns and establish new, more expansive, and meaningful patterns. A regular exercise program helps a man …
· transform his internal environment through better mental and physical fortitude,
· increase his self-confidence,
· sleep and eat better,
· decrease his stress levels, and
· improve his physical stamina.

Plus, his significant other’s world will be suffused with the man’s peaceful presence and inner strength. The greatest gift a man can give is the best version of himself, which begins with him developing and committing to working out daily to improve himself.
A man’s presence and his unique talents are his two most significant assets and gifts to share with others. The more complete, secure, and at peace a man has become, the more value he brings to his relationship. Plus, it only takes twenty minutes of daily exercise to get sex-enhancing benefits like increased arousal, blood circulation, stamina, strength, and flexibility.
Now is a perfect time to begin the following fitness plan, and here’s why: Anyone who goes from zero to working out for thirteen days in a row can make a strong case that they’re a completely changed man. A man can run with that and his significant other will love it!
“Seven Minutes of Heaven!”
Alternate completing the Strength and Cardio workouts each day with one or two days of rest per week. Start each workout with the Warmup move for 1 minute. Follow the movements in the numbered order as pictured.
To make pushups easier, do them with your hands on an elevated surface such as a couch or countertop, or against a wall. To help you balance on the split squat or reverse lunge, you can stand between a doorway or next to a sofa or wall in order.

Do the Warmup for 1 minute, then begin the Strength or Cardio workout.
Y-Good Morning
Perform each move in the circuit for 60 seconds. Complete two rounds totaling 6 minutes. Then take a 60-second rest before starting the next round. Complete up to 3 rounds.
1. Split Squat
2. Pushup + Shoulder Tap
3. Reverse Crunch
1. Reverse Lunge
2. Star Crunch
3. Seal Jacks
Follow Garrett Waller on Instagram @GarrettWaller_LLC, as he will post helpful video demonstrations and modifications with instructions to help you on your journey. ●