The Code: Understand The Assignment Challenge

 A new year means a blank canvas for you to paint a picture of a future that you’re motivated to work towards.

As you launch into the new year, remain present because this is the season you reclaim your power, focus, and energy day by day.  

Establish a fresh mindset and believe that this year and this month will be a turning point in your physical and mental wellness.  With this challenge, the needle will move with each stride you make toward your success.  The major value of reaching the goal is not to have the goal, but the person you have become to acquire it.

Consider these four pillars in order to truly understand the assignment:

Understand your purpose: 

The purpose of committing to this program is to regain and refine a higher level of physical and mental power, focus, and energy.  

Understand how to answer the call:

Commit to taking daily action towards completing either 12, 16, or 20 workouts in the next 31 days.  This can be achieved by doing either 3, 4, or 5 workouts per week for 4 weeks.  Your goal allows you 2-4 days of grace per week while pushing you as you hold yourself accountable daily.

Implications of the assignment: 

Your actions must match your core values. If accountability, honesty, freedom, etc. are important to you, tie this challenge to those values so it will have more meaning.  You owe it to yourself to align your values with who you are. 

Expectations of the assignment:

It will be tough and you will set up your year for success by sticking with this.  You will be stronger, eat healthier, and sleep better.  You will be able to manage your schedule more efficiently and experience a new level of mental clarity and reduced stress.  Choose yourself first and live your best life because—and let’s be real— you deserve this!

Determine your monthly goal:

Set a goal of 12, 16, or 20 workouts this month. Crush the Strength or Cardio workout 3, 4, or 5 times each week depending on your goal for the month.  Plan each workout ahead in your calendar.


Do the Warmup for 1 minute then begin the Strength or Cardio workout.

Caterpillar + Sprinter’s Step


Do each move in the circuit for 45 seconds. Complete 3 rounds then take a 60-second rest before starting the next round. Do this for up to 5 rounds.

Strength Day

Pushup + Hip Tap

Up & Out Squat 

Hip thruster

Cardio Day

Pushup + T twist


Rev Lunge + T