Attention Men! How men feel is largely based on how good their physical and mental being is. There is no better time to begin the journey of creating a better you.

That journey begins with exercise. Exercise builds a better body and a better mind because it impacts everything. Blood flow, sleep, inflammation, mood, and stress level are all impacted when you get enough exercise.

This four-part series on working out comes with no excuses. CODE M has put together a workout regime that you can use with no weights. You only need your motivation and time to begin this routine.

CODE M wants readers from all around the country to join in and get fit together.

The Code: Finish Strong, Start Stronger

How you finish one chapter is how you will start the next. The best way to cultivate a

transformative 2023 is to make a mental switch at the end of this year. You don’t need a

complex training plan to get or maintain better health and looks during the holiday

season. All you need is your body weight, seven moves, and your willpower. The first

workout bolsters your strength and the second channels cardio – neither will keep you from

the holiday mix.

December Program

Tackle one of these workouts 6 days a week. Start each workout with 1 minute of the

warmup move. Rest at least 1 day each week.


Do the Warmup for 1 minute then begin the Strength or Cardio workout.

1. Good Morning


Do each move in the circuit for 60 seconds. Complete 2 rounds then take a 60-second

rest before starting the next round. Do up to 5 rounds.


1. OH Squat

2. Elbow Plank + Knee Crunch

3. Glute Bridge March


1. High Knee Run

2. V Up Knee Grab

3. Down Dog Toe Reach