With the recent changes in federal policies, many Blacks feel like our race is under attack. The retractions in support, whether in diversity, equity, and inclusion or with equal rights, Blacks are quickly learning that in order to advance, we will have to rely on our own.
We will have to rely on our own skills, our own talents, and our own connections to create the kind of life that we envision for ourselves. And let’s face it, not much was happening before Trump took office. Understanding that the civil rights movement was very powerful in creating opportunities for education, political progress, and income. Blacks are still at the bottom in every major category of life.
So, while we have seen gains for some of our race, we still have work to do to create the kind of lives that so many other races seem to enjoy. Whichever political party you belong to — nobody is coming to save us.
We’re going to have to save ourselves.
So, with that in mind, here are five things we need to do to create the communities we want, with the opportunities we want going forward.
The term privilege is defined as: a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group. Privilege used the right way is how entire races stay healthy. The Jewish, Chinese, and White races all use privilege as a way to guarantee the race advances and excels. Black people need to begin to use privilege to patronize each other to keep money and opportunities in the community.
Blacks need to hire Blacks, Blacks need to employ Blacks, and Blacks need to help Blacks. There’s nothing wrong with supporting each other. Before segregation, Black neighborhoods thrived because the doctors and mechanics lived in the same community. The mayor and janitor shopped at the same stores. So, the community thrived because of the talent and hard work that remained in the same place.

And yes, sometimes we, as business owners, let each other down. But we must start somewhere, and we must help each other’s businesses be better. If the Black race is going to advance it must come from within.
Dr. Benjamin Chavis, one of our remaining Black heroes from the civil rights movement suggests that every Black person join an organization. Back in the beginning of the civil rights movement, Blacks belonged to every organization. Today, Black people are disconnected from the very organizations that work for advancements of Black equal rights.
The Urban League, The NAACP, the ACLU, and so many others are all good organizations to participate in to better understand the work that still needs to be done in the Black community. It also creates friendships and a bond between people from diverse backgrounds.
Because Blacks live, work, and congregate in different areas and in diverse ways, they can begin to fellowship by working on the same missions. The donation of time and energy hopefully will rekindle the desire to see everyone win, to see everyone have a chance, and to create the culture that will be needed to build the momentum to effect change in the Black community.
Unfortunately, Blacks were absent in larger numbers at the polls this last national election. However, we can make a huge difference by voting where we live. There are so many important things to decide at the local level that we forget just how important voting can be sometimes. The mayor, police of chief, funding, and where buildings are built all happen at the local level.
For Black communities, to keep our neighborhoods relevant and safe, voting is paramount to drive the funds needed to maintain the areas where we live and sleep. Community spending comes from who is elected, and then how those elected officials govern and manage policy for our agendas. If the elected officials don’t represent our interests the way we need, they can be quickly voted out. Hopefully, the right people will be put in place, and given the support they need to effect the changes communities need.

Imagine vibrant communities, well-lit, with modern structures erected, voted on by us, built by us, for us, that house our celebrations and events in style. This can become a reality with the right framework for people working together to get it done.
No society has ever thrived in ignorance. Ignorance of the law, ignorance of opportunity, and ignorance of understanding the process will kill any movement. Blacks must demand and require more from our schools. But that demand must come with support. Private schools flourish because of the student/teacher ratio. They also thrive from a deep commitment from the parents to support the school in the effort to instruct the child. If Black communities are going to thrive, we must have more participation from our parents and neighbors to change the way kids are taught.
The better we prepare our children, the better we all become. Support of the teacher means the more they can teach. Everyone has something to offer. Music, business, medicine, law, billing, consulting, policy, and politics — we have experts in all areas of life and business. Our children can learn from the best and be prepared before college because they have been exposed to the right future, by the people who look like them.
Life has become more expensive and the need to find a way to survive and thrive is becoming a real concern for everyone. The cost of a bottom-basic home in the suburbs is going for over $300,000. However, there are large homes for sale in certain areas that could be viable with redevelopment. There is also the option to buy one of the dozens of empty lots available in the Black community and build a modest new home.
These options are becoming real for some who are looking for ways to cut their living expenses and put a cap on spending. If Blacks moved back to the same communities, the momentum to improve the streets would increase; local shopping would increase and bring a need for real stores back to the community; crime would be reduced based on an increased presence of people and the police.
These communities exist around the country and continue to be a viable option for those who want to be around their own people.
There has never been a time when the survival of the Black race is more critical. It’s critical because we are at a fork in the road. We are on our own. No idea, no plan, and no options are off the table at this point. The moves policymakers are initiating are bold, we too must be bold with the solutions we choose for our future. So let bold happen.