My mother always understood the power of the spoken word. She used to tell my brother and me to “always leave people in a better place than where you found them.” That meant that if I could not find one positive thing to say about someone, I was to try until I found the right words. You never know what someone might be going through and your brief encounter with them, if positive, might impact the rest of their day in a good way.

The spoken word has been used forever by those who hope to positively impact those around them. Religious leaders, politicians, teachers, and doctors use the spoken word to effect change in those who are listening. They understand that if they’re going to have an impact on those listening, then they need to offer encouragement and positivity.

Now imagine speaking to yourself. Imagine thinking about the things you want for yourself. There is no better cheerleader than you, for yourself. Speaking what you want into existence is the most powerful tool we can use to manifest the things we want in life.

Developing the proper mindset is the beginning of using the spoken word to invite the things you want in life to find you. This is called the Law of Attraction. Understanding this law will help give you the blueprint for getting what you want.

The Law of Attraction is a practice by which a person manifests their desires by putting belief into intent. It’s also known as a “self-fulfilling prophecy.” There exists a belief held by some that if a person places their will and focuses on a particular thought, as well as using items such as a journal to set the desired outcome, the Universe will, through time and its own means, fulfill the request into existence.

Scientifically speaking, there is no concrete evidence that says the Law of Attraction exists. Proponents say the Law is supported by theories from quantum physics that suggest this “law” has an energetic and vibrational element.

“Can we speak anything into existence, like being able to do something harmful to someone by calling it into existence?” That would actually be creating negative Karma for oneself. Simply put, Karma is the process based on “what you sow, so shall you reap.” If your intention is to enact harm on someone else, then at some point, you will have to face the consequences of your actions.

Manifestation is not wrong or sinful if your intentions are for the good. If used appropriately, it’s a way to focus on gratitude, improve your circumstances, help others, and build confidence in yourself and your abilities. If you manifest in good faith and are willing to work for what you want, good things will come your way.

After establishing a better understanding of the power of what it means to speak something into existence, let’s examine how to speak something into existence.


  • Be clear about what you want,
  • Figure out how what you want makes you feel,
  • Create a plan — and stick to it,
  • Practice gratitude and radical kindness,
  • Address limiting beliefs,
  • Trust the process,
  • Raise your vibration, and
  • Don’t be afraid to receive and acknowledge signs from the Universe.

While there are many more ways to accomplish the goal of speaking what you want into existence, those represent a great start.

When you have the right mindset, incredible things appear in your life.

It’s critical to understand that action, along with speaking what you want into existence, go hand in hand. You will need to walk in your own truth about what you want. If you desire a better life, then you will need to do the challenging work of creating a better life for yourself.

If you want to make more money, you will need to do the things that are required to create more income. There is a saying that luck looks a lot like demanding work. The same is true for speaking what you want into existence.


You can make the power of words work for you by paying attention to a few things. And remember: thoughts are the words you say to yourself.

Take care to:

  • Think positive
  • Choose the right words
  • Frame your words on a positive note

Be careful not to:

  • Engage in negative self-talk
  • Think ill of others
  • Project a wrong image of yourself to others
  • Keep the company of people who are critical and unsupportive

Manifestation is all about setting goals and making them a reality. You begin by scanning your mind to know what you want to manifest. You may have so many wishes you want to manifest but you need to choose one that you really want and are passionate about.

Once you have decided what you want, start your manifestation journey by focusing your energy on it. If you’re using a manifestation journal, write down your goal. With this simple step, you are adding another facet to your desire.

With manifestation techniques like visualization and affirmations, you’re adding more depth and intensity to the goal. When you visualize your future in your mind’s eye, or when you create a vision board with images and words related to your goal, your focus improves. Repeating affirmations, whether you are writing them down or saying them aloud, adds to the depth.

When you speak aloud, you’re adding an extra element to your goal. With this, you’re raising your positive energy, as well as making your intention about the goal clear to yourself and the Universe.

Keeping your desires within your mind has its own limitations. However, when you say it aloud, even if you are the only person to hear it, the impact is huge. You feel more committed and responsible to make it happen.

So, begin the journey of speaking what you want into existence and see what happens. You might be surprised at how fast you see results. Either way, you will enjoy a more positive existence with your personal universe.