can attest that persistence can help you live better. For example, I’ve heard of people who give up because the person they want to be with tells them “No” when they ask them out for a date. I want to encourage you to persist if you really believe the person you want to ask out is The One!

When I met my wife, Dee, she had been through a bad marriage and had decided she wasn’t going to ever get married again. I knew Dee was special, and I believed in my heart that she was the one for me. So, I decided to pursue her and finally got her to go out on a date with me.

Then, after we had dated for a while, I asked her if she would ever consider getting married again and she said “No!” Yet, I kept asking! It took a while, but one day she finally said, “Yes!” — and we’ve been married for almost 40 years and have a great marriage and a wonderful family.

I’m telling you that persistence works if you persevere and don’t give up. I want to share a powerful success lesson about persistence and a positive attitude from my book, It Only Takes a Minute to Change Your Life.

There were two frogs going down a country road. A storm came up and they were separated. The first frog hopped into a bucket of milk. He cursed his bad break and focused his energies on the problem, not a solution. He soon gave up and died.

The second frog hopped into a different bucket of milk. He didn’t like his tough break, but he directed his energies to finding a solution. What he did was keep kicking and kicking until he churned the milk into cream. He didn’t stop there. He kept kicking until he churned the cream into butter and eventually, he climbed out of the bucket. He realized it’s not so much what happens to you, but what you do about it!

Friends, your ultimate success will depend on whether you focus on the problem or focus on a solution. Choose the latter! And decide to persist!

To see a short video about this topic, click this link. and go to to hear excerpts from the story of the frogs and the song that goes with that story.

This is Dr. Willie Jolley and remember to make the most of every minute because your best is yet to come! ●