Yes, we have come away from home console video games such as Coleco Vision Pong and Atari 2600 Video Game Systems from back in the late 1970s. In 1977, Atari released the Atari 2600 (also known as the Video Computer System), It was a popular home console that featured joysticks and interchangeable game cartridges that played multi-colored games, effectively kicking off the second generation of the video game consoles.

Gaming systems are so advanced now with today’s graphics. They have become so much more realistic. There were several popular systems in the past. Since PC Games are also part of the gaming community there were even personal computer systems produced such as The TRS-80, 346, and 486 CPU systems and the Apple MacIntosh.

As we go down the gaming timeline, Nintendo, SEGA, SEGA Genesis, SEGA Dreamcast, Sony’s Play Stations one through 5, and Microsoft Xbox Systems. There were also popular mobile digital games such as Mattel’s hand-held sports series with football being the most popular hand-held system, the Nintendo Game Boy, the Sony Play Station VISTA, and now the Nintendo Switch system.
There are also many systems and history behind home console video and digital games and software development with the most controlling factors of these systems being based on speed of the CPU for fast game pace and memory storage for storing continuous gameplay.
The history of home console video games spans several decades, from the invention of the first electronic games to today. The historical timeline of such games is of such…

• 1970s and 1980s: Arcade video games, gaming consoles, and home computer games gained mainstream popularity.
• the 1980s: Video game crash of 1983, the rise of computer games, and the introduction of 8-bit and 16-bit consoles.
• 1990s: Transition to optical media, 3D graphics, and handhelds.
• 2000s: Emergence of MMOs, esports, online services, and mobile gaming.
• 2010s: High-definition graphics, indie games, and advancements in online gaming.

The gaming industry has become extremely competitive. There are now only three major systems excluding mobile devices that are dominating the market today. The Play Station 5, Microsoft Xbox, and Nintendo Switch are the popular gaming systems today along with the advanced PC Games.
There were so many tech companies in gaming software development. Many of the tech companies have been bought, sold, and have quietly disappeared. The remaining gaming software development companies and their revenue over the past years are as follows.
Home Console by Manufacturer (1970-2020)
Manufacturer Home Console sales
Nintendo 318 M
Sony 445 M
Microsoft 149 M
Sega 64-67 M
Atari 31 M
Hudson Soft/NEC 10 M
Bandai –

Professional gaming has become a career for those who enjoy playing the game.

The most popular games from the home console video games past and present according to CODE M researchers are Tetris, Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto, Wii Sports, and PUBG. There have been many others over the years, but these were listed as the most popular and most profitable home console computer games.
The home console computer gaming industry has also been quite competitive with gamers themselves, with all out-prize money and placement into professional career positions such as gaming executives and racing car drivers. The home console and PC gaming industry has spawned many movies and TV series. The race car driver competition from Grand Turismo produced a true-to-life professional championship race car driver, which was illustrated in a recent movie.
At one time EA Sports was showing video football and basketball games on ESPN and other sports channel networks to take the place of real sporting events because of the scare of increased infections during the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020. Overnight, professional sports gamers were becoming celebrities themselves. They were able to create wealth and popularity by becoming master gamers.
Gamers generated income from prize money and accepted executive positions at numerous tech companies. Quickly, colleges and universities started course curriculums for becoming a gamer in their area of specialized sports and action games.
As a result of professional gamers around the world, The International Esports Federation (IeSF) was established on August 8, 2008, by nine esports[2] associations from Denmark, South Korea, Germany, Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Vietnam, and Taiwan. In November of the same year, the organization held its inaugural general meeting and the rest of professional gaming became legendary!
A year later, on December 12, 2009, the IeSF hosted its first international tournaments. These tournaments included the “IeSF Challenge” in 2009, followed by the “IeSF Grand Finals” in 2010, and the “IeSF World Championship” starting from 2011 and onward. On the Ranker website, they list the best competitive gamers in the world and the prize money they have won to date. One of the most notable professional gamers is nick named “Faker’ with his. Real Name: Lee, Sang Hyeok according to the number of popular votes he has received.

The industry of professional gaming has produced gamers all over the world.

Of course, the career of choice to be explored here is becoming a gaming software developer. Unfortunately, even though the industry is still lucrative for software engineers the gaming industry is becoming more flooded and is not as lucrative as it once was from the beginning.
There are so many tools for gaming software engineers to use to create new and innovative video games. These tools are listed here FMOD, OpenAL, Allegro, Unity, Unreal Engine, Blender, Audiokinetic Wwise, and SoLoud. Universities and online training platforms can teach gaming developers and beginners how to use gaming development tools.
Game design blends artistry and games, allowing professionals to apply multiple creative and technical skills daily. You can create engaging storylines to create beautiful visual effects. Gaming enthusiasts can find reward and fulfillment through a game design career. As you can see there are plenty of other positions in the development of computer games besides being a computer game software developer. they are such – video game animators, storyboard designers as mentioned, technical support specialists, and video game testers.
There is, more to explore in the video gaming industry in gaming development, software development, and as a professional gamer. Whatever your choice, appreciate the game and enjoy the technology as it advances into the future because video gaming is not going away anytime soon.