There are a few times in our lives when something happens that impacts who we are as a person. A moment in time where our course or direction is forever changed by something greater than us. Sometimes we see it and can respond to it. Other times, we might miss it because we aren’t paying attention. For those who see it, it could be a watershed moment.
A watershed moment is defined as “an event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend.”
We all live in a watershed, and a watershed condition is important to everyone and everything that uses and needs water. Healthy watersheds provide critical services, such as clean drinking water, productive fisheries, and outdoor recreation, which support our economies, environment, and quality of life.
So, defining something as a watershed moment is considering it to be a large enough event that it forever alters the course or direction we were on.
This change in course could come from a wedding, but it could also come from death. It’s up to the person experiencing it, to understand and then determine if that moment is large enough to be defined to change the course of their life.
“I knew my life was forever changed when my company told me they were going to terminate my position,” Juan from Ohio City said. “It allowed me to go after the career I really wanted, and that moment changed my life forever.”
Defining moments happen quite often. But the moments that are life-altering only happen a couple of times in one’s life. For those who realize when those moments happen, they become the beginning of something amazing.
Over the last two years, millions of people have experienced life-altering events. The pandemic forced many people to look at life differently. Whether it was the loss of a loved one, the loss of a career, or just an adjustment to where they lived, everyone felt the shift the country was going through. Many of those people understood the gravity of the change and saw it for what it was.
Brenda from Akron said, “When the world stopped, my income stopped. But I also stopped working two jobs. I got a chance to spend more time with my kids, I was able to rest some. I struggled with money, but it was a peaceful struggle if that makes sense. I learned that I don’t want to work my life away. So now I work at places that pay me what I need so I can have balance in my life and enjoy it more.”
Big moments are continuing to happen even after the pandemic.
“When the government overturned Roe vs. Wade, it really bothered me,” Michelle from Euclid said. “I will now actively fight for women’s rights. Before, I would have commented, but not done anything about it. Now I am mad as ever and I want to get into the fight.”
It’s safe to say that everyone experiences a watershed moment at one point or another. The new path forged out of a single life-changing moment is what everyone must come to terms with. For those who use that moment to re-center and blaze a new path, life can reset and allow them to embark on a whole new journey.
The hope for anyone who has experienced this incredible moment in time is that they find out why it happened, discover what new paths it could take them, and get the most out of the new opportunities life has to offer — because one moment in time can redefine you forever.