You hear it all the time. “Turn your side hustle into a real business.” People attempt to launch their special skills, love for an industry, or their passion into a business. But annually, over 70 percent of businesses fail due to either a lack of funding or an understanding ofContinue Reading

The Fifteenth Amendment was passed by Congress and ratified during the Reconstruction Era, when the progressive wing of the Republican Party dominated Congress during the decade following the end of the U.S. Civil War. The Reconstruction era was noteworthy in that African American men were not only granted voting rightsContinue Reading

ATTORNEY JEFFREY SAFFOLD Jeffrey Saffold has spent his career fighting for justice. With more than twenty-six years of legal experience, he is well-prepared for the bench. Jeffrey’s legal career began in the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s office in 1996. He practiced law under the watchful eye of the late, Honorable StephanieContinue Reading

Sevyn Streeter is at a loss for words. This, of course, is a stunning revelation given that the boundless 34-year-old singer/songwriter/performer, who has boldly merged the line between pop and R&B for over a decade, is known to be quite a loquacious spirit. But when she is asked what sheContinue Reading

One doesn’t automatically associate wealth with Black communities, as American history will attest to. But that’s about to change as Cedric Nash, founder of the Black Wealth Summit, launches its first in-person convocation on October 27 – 29 in College Park, Maryland. Held at “The Hotel” at the University ofContinue Reading

In today’s world, everyone has fallen prey to some type of scam. Whether you got a fake email notice that you bought something or got a call on your cell phone that you can get your cable bill lowered, the scamming of America is in full effect. The increase startedContinue Reading

People have learned so many lessons from the pandemic. One of the largest lessons learned is that we all crave touch and intimacy. No one can walk around, in isolation, for a prolonged period and survive life. Having a connection with someone, whether physical or mental, is built into ourContinue Reading

For Black Americans, it has long been a struggle to be treated fairly. Black people have a history of being discriminated against in the US and still, today face a number of hardships. So, when America suffers a hardship, Black people take on the brunt of that suffering. For BlackContinue Reading

There is a phrase that says, “You only live once.” The phrase should be changed to, “You only die once, you live every day.” For Ray Freeman, that phrase became his reality when he almost died from kidney failure. 1981, the Warrensville Heights graduate was on top of the world.Continue Reading

There is no denying that Black people suffer unnecessarily when it comes to taking care of their health. The reluctance to go to the doctor costs untold lives and reduces life expectancy dramatically when compared to our white counterparts. If you add the complexity of not getting sound medical adviceContinue Reading