Voting is based on information. Where that information comes from is extremely important and there are many sources. Every campaign is actively engaged in targeted marketing, begging for donations in order to fund their campaigns and beat out their competitors. The dissemination of facts and information in their marketing —Continue Reading

Finding motivation to exercise can often feel like a monumental task. In a world brimming with responsibilities and stress, carving out the time and energy to work out regularly is a challenge many face. Whether it’s the struggle to pull yourself out of bed in the morning or the temptationContinue Reading

Often when Black men obtain a certain status in life, they often get titled for that status. If it’s business, that’s the only light people see them in. If it’s sports, that’s the only way people can see them. But Black men are much more than what they do. TheyContinue Reading

In the age-old struggle between kids and their beloved gadgets, it seems that reality has finally thrown in the towel. Parents all over the world have been left scratching their heads as their offspring become increasingly attached to their phones. It’s a battle of epic proportions and one that’s hardContinue Reading

What exactly is “The Sandwich Generation?” Actually, it’s not a specific generational group, it’s a family arrangement. Specifically, it’s middle-aged parents taking care of their adult children and their own parents (grandparents) — all under one roof. Sometimes, grandchildren are also included. The burden is on the parents to financiallyContinue Reading

When Anthony Brown walked up to the mic to address the guests who attended the new University Hospital’s Cutler Center for Men, he did what he always does; he made sure to promote those who needed exposure the most.To be honest, it is hard to pinpoint where Brown is goingContinue Reading

GREG ENSLEY Greg Ensley is the Managing Partner of Pivot Enterprises. As a true client advocate, Greg develops long-term, trusted, and proactive relationships with clients, personally guiding them through strategic challenges and opportunities in their businesses. Greg has more than 20 years of experience in accounting, financial planning, and taxContinue Reading

In a world where fitness goals are constantly pursued, one of the most common complaints men face is the struggle to lose stubborn belly fat. The frustrating truth is that no one likes looking down at their stomach to see an unappealing layer of fat that just won’t budge. ManyContinue Reading

The phrase “It’s expensive to be poor” is a cliché, but it’s one that rings truer than ever in today’s world and economy. While many people associate poverty with a lack of material possessions, the reality is that it’s a complex web of financial burdens that can be overwhelming. TheContinue Reading