Anyone who is religious sees the signs of the end of days. The world is in trouble. America is in real trouble. It is no secret that society and morals are falling to an all-time low. Social media, which once was hailed as a breakthrough in communication, now sits amongContinue Reading

When I get revenue from you, I’m going into the community and build the schools for the next generation of leaders so that they are future-ready so that they can be employable, and entrepreneurial.” Such is the focus of Farad Ali, President and Chief Executive Officer of Asociar, LLC, aContinue Reading

Based on data reported by the American Economic Association (AEA), married men earn up to 33 percent more in wages compared to single men, but the question is why? What makes establishing a marital union more profitable and if this is the case, why are Black men less likely toContinue Reading

Attention Men! How men feel is largely based on how good their physical and mental being is. There is no better time to begin the journey of creating a better you. That journey begins with exercise. Exercise builds a better body and a better mind because it impacts everything. BloodContinue Reading

The holidays are a special time for everyone. It’s also the time for giving the ones you love presents that represent how you feel about them. The best gifts are the ones that offer functional use. Here are a few suggestions that just might make her smile and let herContinue Reading

In the 1940s and ‘50s, people would get a job and stay at that job until they retired. They would get a gold watch, maybe a good pension if they were lucky, and they would disappear into retirement. Those times are gone. So, when someone mentions that they have beenContinue Reading

“A family is like a forest, when you are outside it is dense, when you are inside you see that each tree has its place.” African Proverb “Without a family, man, alone in the world, trembles with the cold.” – Andre Maurois “In every conceivable manner, the family is linkedContinue Reading

There is something going on with Generation Z. Gen Z refers to people born between 1995 and 2010. The “Z” in the name means “zoomer,” as this is the first generation known to “zoom” through the Internet. Most of those who are a part of Gen Z are the childrenContinue Reading

When Denver Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson was growing up, he struggled to attract Black women. Wilson felt like he, what some would call a nerd, personality was simply unattractive to the Black women he attempted to date. Wilson found that white women accepted his well-spoken quirkiness and ended up marryingContinue Reading