They say if you work your passion as a job, you will never work a day in your life. Tru Pettigrew must be on a lifetime of PTO (Paid Time Off) because he is living his passion while he serves as the NBA’s Minnesota Timberwolves Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer.Continue Reading

KHALILAH A. LAWSON J.D. Khalilah Lawson is an attorney, business owner, wife, and mother. She balances career, family, and social engagements while continuing to prioritize her personal goals. Lawson currently works as a Magistrate for the Cleveland Municipal Court and also serves her community as a volunteer Magistrate for theContinue Reading

Some artists blur genres, but GRAMMY-nominated producer and recording artist French Montana blurs borders. His inimitable fusion of classic East Coast rhymes, wavy pop swagger, and international ambition elevated him to the forefront of the game on a global scale. Karim Kharbouch was born November 9, 1984, better known byContinue Reading

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines an underdog as a “predicted loser in a struggle or contest” therefore, based on the statistic that 70 percent of divorces are filed by wives, husbands are the underdog within the context of marriage. When diving deeper into the data, we find Black Americans divorce at theContinue Reading

The incomparable Aretha Franklin, the “Queen of Soul,” sent this song skyrocketing to #1 on the Billboard charts in 1967 and it became a universal call to action for the civil rights and feminist movements. Its intrinsic message that everyone deserves to be heard and respected struck a deep chordContinue Reading

It’s no secret that dating today absolutely sucks. Finding love has become a part-time job for those who want to date with purpose. First are the dating apps that are starting to prove to be less and less effective. Then there are the reduced opportunities to meet people if you’reContinue Reading

One of life’s great, universal pleasures is sitting around the kitchen table and talking with family and friends. It’s a hub for not just eating but for great conversations, games, doing homework, sharing stories, and — as Coach Ginn of Cleveland has used it for over forty years — aContinue Reading

Anyone who is religious sees the signs of the end of days. The world is in trouble. America is in real trouble. It is no secret that society and morals are falling to an all-time low. Social media, which once was hailed as a breakthrough in communication, now sits amongContinue Reading

The Code: Understand The Assignment Challenge  A new year means a blank canvas for you to paint a picture of a future that you’re motivated to work towards. As you launch into the new year, remain present because this is the season you reclaim your power, focus, and energy dayContinue Reading

The murder of George Floyd was horrific. The entire world saw a man murdered on camera. Our country finally started to understand the gross inequities of being a minority in America. Corporate America started to take huge steps to reverse hundreds of years of oppression and turmoil by introducing corporateContinue Reading